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Blooming Moment Florist

[Rare Succulent] Peperomia Hope

[Rare Succulent] Peperomia Hope

Experience the wonder of [Rare Succulent] Peperomia Hope - a low-maintenance plant with striking foliage and unique care instructions. This rare beauty will add a touch of nature to any space and is perfect for those seeking an easy-to-care-for plant. Perfect for beginners and experienced plant lovers alike!

Care: Peperomia Hope, a succulent that's low-maintenance and perfect for any space! With easy care instructions and a need for minimal sun and water, this plant will bring joy and beauty to your home or office. Add it to your collection today!


Yes, We can ship this product in the US, local delivery or in store pick up.

Regular price $8.99 USD
Regular price $12.99 USD Sale price $8.99 USD
Sale Sold out

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